The NPT fall 2022 newsletter is hot off the press
... and available in easy-to-read PDF format HERE.
In this issue:
- New interpretive panels installed at William Lloyd Garrison birthplace on School Street. (Read more in the newsletter.)
- Impasse on regulation of short-term rentals exposes the clash of profiteers vs. neighborhoods. (Read more in the newsletter.)
- A shiny new NPT bronze plaque for the Newburyport's 1835 Custom House. (Read more in the newsletter.)
- Zoning Board of Appeals denies massive shed dormer on a 1657 First Period house. (Read more in the newsletter.)
- Great gift idea: If This House Could Talk - 2022 edition ... in paperback and hardcover!. (Read more in the newsletter.)
- William Lloyd Garrison lecture on Dec. 10, 2022 will feature Prof. Kabria Baumgartner. (Read more in the newsletter.)
- This Old House TV series features Oakland St. home ... and its new plaque from NPT's Historic House Plaque Program. (Read more in the newsletter.)
- Coming in 2023: A newly-conceived NPT newsletter. (Read more in the newsletter.)